Share to Connect: Training in using storytelling techniques in work with groups (in vulnerable positions),

In the training we transfer our experience to people who want to use storytelling techniques themselves when working with groups in vulnerable positions, for instance in programs aimed at increasing mental resilience.

Category: Tag:

Course Venue

Lerici (Pugliola), Italy

Content Areas
  • Common values and civic engagement & participation
  • Improving the competences of adult educators
  • Inclusion and Diversity


Storytelling, social work, mental resilience, community work

Potential Participants

Trainer , Educator , Staff/Professional

Course Duration (in days)


Next Available Course

Oct 2024

Organised by

Storytelling Centre




Storytelling has proven to be a highly effective method in working with-and empowering-people in vulnerable positions, especially those who have found themselves on the margins of society due to mental and physical health problems, loneliness and poverty. Youth with mild mental health problems also benefits from working on and sharing their stories. In recent years, Storytelling Centre gained experience of this in several projects and developed the Share-to-Connect method, which will also serve as the basis for the training offered hereby. For more information about Storytelling Centre, meanwhile one of Europe's experts in applying storytelling techniques for social purposes, see   In the training we transfer our experience to people who want to use storytelling techniques themselves when working with groups in vulnerable positions, for instance in programs aimed at increasing mental resilience or in spiritual care. Over three days, participants will be introduced to the foundations of storytelling and various tools to empower people by working with them on their own story and having them rediscover their own story. We will also address specific characteristics of vulnerable groups and the ways to best deal with them to achieve the most impact.   The training will last three days, 5 to 6 hours (including breaks) per day and  will be delivered by Arjen Barel and Hester Tammes. The language of instruction is English, with guidance in English or Dutch.

European Dimension

A strong Europe benefits from a population with a strong mental resilience. This training contributes to that by provided the participanst the tools to use storytelling techniques in working on mental resiliance.

Tentative Program & Schedule

Day 1 - introduction and introduction

Aim: to form a group, create a safe environment, initiate participants in the basics of storytelling and the basics of the Share to Connect method.


Skills acquired: participants master the basics of storytelling and its applications and know how to use the Share to Connect method in working with and empowering vulnerable groups.


This day consists of:


      Introductory exercises

      Exercises to build confidence

      Introduction to the three pillars of a well-told story / the hero's journey and translation to the goal of the training course

      Introduction to using storytelling for personal growth and social impact

      Introduction to the Share to Connect method


Day 2 - Making and sharing stories and evaluation


Purpose: deepening the fourth phase in the Share to Connect Method: 'Making and sharing stories'. Introduction to topics such as empathy, identity and (value) systems.


Acquired competences: participants know how to use the Share to Connect method in working with stories (with vulnerable groups). They have a first experience with all the exercises related to this. They also have a better understanding of the playing field and the theories underlying the method.


This day consists of:


      Introduction to and explanation of the 'making and sharing stories' exercises (including performing them)

      Learning to apply the Hero's Journey tool

      Learning to apply the Tree of Life tool

      Introduction to and explanation of the evaluation exercises (including performing them)

      Introduction to empathy and common ground




Day 3, working with vulnerable groups, how to set up a workshop myself, finding and creating your own story.


Objective: deepening all phases of the Share to Connect method and practicing applying the Share to Connect method with groups of people in vulnerable positions. Deepening on working with these target groups. Giving insight into group dynamics. Preparation for setting up and giving a storytelling workshop to a specific target group yourself.


Acquired competences: participants know how best to develop a workshop for the target group they want to work with. They also have their own story to use in their workshop.


This day consists of:


      Introduction to storytelling and competence development for different target groups

      Introduction to group dynamics, following on from what was said about this earlier in the training course

      Exercises in dealing with group dynamics

      Practice creating an outline for your own story

Expected Outcome

Prepare participants to work with men and women in vulnerable positions, using storytelling techniques. The ultimate aim is to be able to strengthen their personal identity by letting them rediscover their own story.


Participants will receive an certifcate of attendance

About Pugliola

The training takes place in the idyllic surroundings of the villages of Pugliola and Cerri, in Italian Liguria, on the hill behind Lerici and 15 kilometers east of La Spezia. There is plenty of accommodation there in different price ranges, about which we will be happy to advise you. Nearby airports (destinations of budget airlines like Ryanair, Easyjet and Vueling, among others) are the airports of Pisa, Florence and Genoa.  The destination can also be reached bytrain. Transport from Sarzana or La Spezia station can be facilitated.

Venue address

Via Rinaldi 8,
19032 Lerici (Pugliola)

How to Apply

You can express your interest by sending a mail to We will contact you as soon as possible with additional information.

Minimum Number Of Participants


Participation Fee

€ 300

Course Website
Storytelling Centre
Storytelling Centre

Storytelling Centre


Meer en vaart 290, 1068 L:E Amsterdam

Website URL

Contact persons

Arjen Barel, Jasmijn Snoijink,