The circular economy is probably one of the most promising approaches to promote and involve citizens and all kinds of learners in activities that serve sustainable development. However, when it comes to the facilitation of those projects in different contexts, be it informal learning projects in communities or non-formal offers (CPD, further qualification) or even as innovations in formal education (such as learning projects within VET or HE (or even in schools) there is a lack of courses for trainers and other educational staff. The course tries to close this gap by offering innovative concepts to design, plan and deliver learning projects which aim to develop circular economy either in AE, youth, HE and/or VET education. It makes use of a competence-oriented learning approach and converts a lot of learning time into small group joint development and collaboration activities. Within the Face-to-Face (F2F) part of the course transnational workgroups of 3-4 persons convert actual sustainable development challenges into ideas and prototypes which are going to presented on the last day. The course will be prepared with 2 online sessions and finalised (after a 3 month transfer phase) with piloting of individual approaches and a follow-up phase. Videos related to the course subject:
European Dimension
The course is delivered for transnational and interdisciplinary and teams of educators from all over Europe.