In a world full of challenges, it is essential to empower every individual to seize their potential and opportunities. Unfortunately, certain groups face disadvantages in accessing quality education. This calls for an increased focus on competences rather than subjects, and for holistic, open learning approaches that enable learners to become active participants in meaningful and constructive learning spaces. The COOL training aims to qualify learning and development professionals as "Facilitators for Open Learning".
Unleashing Creativity with Design-Based Collaborative Learning
The course focuses on collaboration and the use of digital creativity and communication tools. By promoting teamwork and the use of digital technologies, we aim to enhance the learning experience and empower individuals to bring their creative ideas to life. We will use modern learning and development techniques, with a particular focus on design thinking and collaborative learning, to create spaces where disadvantaged adults can become innovators and acquire key civic, entrepreneurial and also digital skills. Have a look at!European Dimension
The course was developed and tested within the European project COOL carried out by a consortium of six partners from six EU-countries.